Prevention of damages to property act was passed in 1984
This act was passed in 1984 and came into force on 28 January 1984, and now it is applicable in all India. But in the past time, until the special provision for the
Jammu& Kashmir
was in force, it was not in force in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Why this act was made?
In our day to day to life, we all might have seen the destruction of Public property in the Road by the Mob. But we rarely used our mind to think that the property which is being destroyed by the public from where it came from? At last, we find that we are destroying our own property. When the number of such incidents increased then the
government noticed the requirement of such Laws in the country. And made it a compulsory liable act according to which the person who commits such destruction will compensate for its damages.
This act has 7 sections that speak about the rules and restrictions for committing such an act. Some of the important articles of this act are as follows-
- 1 the article first of this act tells about the name of this act, the jurisdiction of this act in India, and the date on which it came into force.
- 2 In this section the definition of the word ‘Mischief’ and ‘Public Property’ have been given in which it further defines that the mischief is related to section 425 of IPC. And in the explaining of the word Public property, it said the all the properties whose control and service is governed by the state and central government and also explained more forth.
- 3 Here in this article the punishment for causing mischief destruction to any Public Property is given. Which is 5 years of imprisonment including a fine.
- The rest article is explaining the different destructive acts of various instruments like destruction by the explosion, destruction by physical damage, oil factory destruction, etc. and some of the articles also have the provision related to the bail and proceeding of this type of cases.