“Deshbandhu” Chittranjan Das defended the accused in Alipore Case
The great freedom fighter of our nation, Advocate Chittranjan Das
who fought for the accused in the case of ‘Emporer Vs Arvindo ghose and others. The name of the accused in the case was the
Aurobindo Ghose. This case was a criminal case that was held in India in 1908. In this case, a lot of Nationalists were charged under “the waging war against the government” in the court of
Alipore, Culcutta. The members who were considered as the accused were all related to the
Anshulin committee, the main accused name was Aurobindo Ghose and
Barin Ghose.
The case was handled by Chittaranjan Das, who was also the politician of that time and the leader of the Swarajya party, he defended these accused of the Alipore case in a way that was quite looking impossible. This skill of advocacy of
Aurobindo Ghose made him a great advocate.

He was born on 5 November 1870, in Calcutta, Bengal presidency which is known as the Kolkata, West Bengal.
He married Basanti Devi and had three children, the name of the children was Alparna Devi, Chiranjan Das, Kalyani Devi.
The Basanti Devi also participated in the national movement of India and also
got arrested, her arrest became the first arrest of any lady in the national movement. Neta Ji Subhash Chandra Bose
used to call her an MAA. As Neta Ji used to spend a lot of time in his childhood with her.
The Bose family followed the art of Advocacy from their family legacy. As the
Durga Mohan who was the grandfather of the Bose was also an advocate and after his children and his brother’s children became the advocate.
Oe 6 May 1909, the court gave his verdict in the matter of EmprorVs Aurobindo Ghose, and the main accused the
Barin Ghose
and Ullaskar Dutt was found guilty, and they were sentenced to death.