What is the Temperature of Moon at Night?

Asked 3 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
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The temperature of the Moon at night is very cold, the lunar surface of the Moon is about -173 degrees Celcius.

What is the Temperature of Moon at Night?

Whereas according to the region it varies from place to place, the average temperature on the moon (at the equator and mid-latitude) varies from -298 degrees Fahrenheit (-183 degree Celcius) at night.
In the daytime it is different from night time is 224 degrees Fahrenheit (106 degrees Celcius). The reason behind this variation from day to night is just because of the absence of the atmosphere in it. For further detail we need to search about the moon, here is the detail about the moon.

Temperature of Moon
We have seen the temperature of the Moon during Day and night time. Yes of course the reason behind this is the absence of the atmosphere. The moon does not have an ‘atmosphere’ so that it can’t hold the heat of the sun at night and is also not able to block the sun rays during daytime. But, in the case of the earth, it has the atmosphere and air particles in it so that it is able to block the harmful sun rays and also it can observe the sunrays so that it could not feel the extreme cold.

Explanation of the term atmosphere
The American Meteorological society glossary of meteorology, which studies meteorology of the different planets and tells the nature of that planet, similarly it had explained the definition of the term ‘Atmospherewhich is as says “a gaseous envelope gravitationally bound to a celestial bodywhere the celestial body means the body of the space like planets, earth, star, etc. the atmosphere of the earth is divided into many layers and we are living in the troposphere which is consuming about 10 Km distance of the earth.

answered 3 years ago by Sanjay Goenka

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