Which type of Indian Satellites did Not Fail even once?

Asked 3 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
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Which type of Indian Satellites did Not Fail even once?

1 Answer


India has been launching satellites since the 1970s, and since then, it has developed and launched a variety of satellites for various applications. While some of the Indian satellites have encountered technical glitches or malfunctions in orbit, some satellites have been highly reliable and have performed their intended tasks successfully without any failures. In this answer, we will discuss the Indian satellites that have not failed even once.

Indian National Satellites (INSAT): INSAT is a series of multi-purpose geostationary satellites developed by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). These satellites have been used for weather forecasting, telecommunication, broadcasting, and other applications. The INSAT series includes 11 satellites, and all of them have been highly reliable, with no failures reported to date. The INSAT series has played a crucial role in revolutionizing India's telecommunication and broadcasting sectors.

Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS): IRS is a series of Earth observation satellites developed by ISRO. These satellites have been used for various applications such as natural resource management, agriculture, forestry, and disaster management. The IRS series includes 11 satellites, and all of them have been highly reliable, with no failures reported to date. The IRS series has helped India in monitoring its natural resources and has played a crucial role in disaster management.

Cartosat Satellites: Cartosat is a series of Earth observation satellites developed by ISRO. These satellites have been used for various applications such as cartography, geology, and environmental monitoring. The Cartosat series includes 9 satellites, and all of them have been highly reliable, with no failures reported to date. The Cartosat series has helped India in mapping its terrain and has played a crucial role in environmental monitoring.

RISAT Satellites: RISAT is a series of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Earth observation satellites developed by ISRO. These satellites have been used for various applications such as crop monitoring, disaster management, and surveillance. The RISAT series includes 4 satellites, and all of them have been highly reliable, with no failures reported to date. The RISAT series has helped India in crop monitoring and has played a crucial role in disaster management.

Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC): NavIC is a regional satellite navigation system developed by ISRO. The system consists of seven satellites, and all of them have been highly reliable, with no failures reported to date. NavIC provides positioning and timing services over India and its surrounding regions and has been used for various applications such as transportation, surveying, and geodesy.

answered 1 year ago by Jujhar Singh

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