How many Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) failed during the 2010s?

Asked 3 years ago
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How many Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) failed during the 2010s?

1 Answer


GSLV was an expandable launch system developed and operated by Indian Space Research Organization. GSLV stands for geo synchronous launched vehicle. GSLV project was initiated 1990, its primary objective was to gain the launch capability to launch geo synchronous satellites. GSLV main initiative is to launch satellites into geo synchronous orbit.
 GSLV rockets are using Russian Cryogenic Stage (CS) (Russian made) are assigned as the GSLV Mark 1. GSLV Mark 1 is currently retired. While updated versions using indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS) (designed by India) are assigned to GSLV Mark 2. GSLV Mark 2 is active and GSLV Mark 3 also active. GSLV Mark 3 used in historical projects like chandrayan 2.
GSLV has components like S125/S139 solid rocket booster& liquid- fueled VIKAS engine which are already successful proven their worth in PSLV. Major contribution GSLV Mark1 is Russian cryogenic engine is added to it. At early stages of Indian scientists went to Russia to learn about cryogenic engines. The Russia denied knowledge transfer on cryogenic engine after a period of time due to pressure of U.S.A thus India needed to develop about the cryogenics by their own experiments. This leads to immediate failures in GSLV projects conducted by India. Later a decade later India developed its own cryogenic engine.
GSLV Mark 1 out of  6 launches  2 were successful  2 were failed /2 were partially failed 
GSLV Mark 2  out of 6 launches  5 were successful  only 1 failed till now 
Brief discussion of the failures:
1st and 5th launches were partial failures.
1st: GSLV –D1 was launched on April 18, 2001, into GTO orbit. Payload placed in to a lower than planned orbit, and which did not have sufficient fuel to reach a required orbit. ISRO claimed that this launch is to be successful and declare that the satellite (GSAT-1) is a failure.
5th: GSLV –F04 is launched on September 2, 2007.they had posted that it is “Apogee lower and inclination higher than expected, due to some errors in the guidance subsystem. Eventually the payload reached the designated geostationary transfer orbit, Minor error in orbit inclination corrected by satellite mission operators. Satellite is fully operational and full design life of ten years was achieved”. ISRO claims this GSLV flight to be successful.
4th: Both rocket and satellite had to be destroyed over the Bay of Bengal after the rocket’s trajectory veered outside permitted limits. 6th: Destroyed by range safety officer after loss of control over liquid-fueled boosters. The 4th and 6th are complete failures.

answered 3 years ago by Vallabha Buddepu

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