How long Chandrayaan-1 was operational?

Asked 10-Nov-2021
Updated 05-Aug-2023
Viewed 172 times

1 Answer


Chandrayaan-1 was operational for 312 days, from its launch on October 22, 2008, to its loss of contact on August 29, 2009. It was India's first lunar mission, and it achieved a number of significant scientific objectives.

The mission's primary objective was to map the lunar surface in detail. It did this by carrying a number of instruments, including a high-resolution camera, a radar altimeter, and a spectrometer. The mission also carried a number of smaller instruments, which were used to study the lunar surface in more detail.

How long Chandrayaan1 was operational

Chandrayaan-1 also made a number of other important discoveries. For example, it found evidence of water ice on the lunar surface. It also found evidence of volcanic activity on the Moon. These discoveries have helped scientists to better understand the Moon's history and evolution.

The loss of contact with Chandrayaan-1 was a setback, but the mission was still a success. It achieved many of its scientific objectives, and it paved the way for future Indian lunar missions.