Is the Congress a Muslim Supporting Party?

Asked 3 years ago
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Is the Congress a Muslim Supporting Party?

1 Answer


Yes, according to Rahul Gandhi. He said several times that Yes Congress is a Muslim Supporting Party. 

A few days before the Monsoon round of the Parliament is to commence on Wednesday, Rahul Gandhi has appeared under attack for the declaration he reportedly brought at a conference with Muslim intellectuals & activists on July 11, as the role of the Congress party’s outreach strategy before the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. “Yes, Of course, Congress is a Muslim party,” Gandhi is alleged to have explained, as per the report in the Urdu newspaper Inquilab.
Is the Congress a Muslim Supporting Party?
As per the AltNews, this is what the newspaper reported Gandhi as having stated: “If BJP affirms that Congress is a Muslim Party, it is okay with it. Congress is a party of Muslims because Muslims are vulnerable & weak and Congress permanently stands with the weak people.

Numerous Bharatiya Janata Party political members, comprising Prime Minister Narendra Modi, utilized the Inquilab announcement to narrate their statement that Congress is an “anti-Hindu” group that intends to “appease minorities”.
Is the Congress a Muslim Supporting Party?
Among the primary BJP administrators to remark about the apparent statements was party spokesman, Anil Balani. He tweeted an impression of the Inquilab summary with that remark that Rahul Gandhi, a “janeu dhari” or thread-wearing Brahmin, possessed to be alleged that the Congress is a party of Muslims. 
answered 3 years ago by Anonymous User

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