What does impeachment mean in the Indian constitution?

Asked 06-Apr-2021
Viewed 855 times

1 Answer


Impeachment is distinguished as an act of ordering into concern the honesty or certainty of something. The phrase impeachment means the procedure interpreted in deciding the removal of an individual in a role from practicing all the powers and responsibilities that the role mandates. The whole procedure of removal is impeachment.

What does impeachment mean in the Indian constitution?

It usually pertains to the President of the country, judges of judicial courts, & additional Constitutional roles. Across several countries having national presidential Constitutional republic administrations, impeachment relates to a charge of misconduct brought against the holder of a public office.

Impeachment in India

In India, impeachment is manipulated in two contexts.
1. Impeachment of President of India 
2. Impeachment of the Judge of the Supreme Court. 

What does impeachment mean in the Indian constitution?

Since the impeachment & belief of officials implicate an overturning of the routine constitutional processes, they are usually earmarked for those who have devoted severe mishandlings of their headquarters.