International Ranger Awards recognise individuals and ranger teams that have gone above-and-beyond the call of duty to protect wildlife and support local communities. This year it has fallen into India’s lap with Sathish Sundaram winning the IUCN International Ranger Awards.
Mr. Sundaram is a forest ranger with the Tamil Nadu Forest Department in Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park. He establishes close contact with the people of local communities and has taken the help of local fishermen in achieving many tasks.
Not only this, he has also started ‘Kaarankaadu Community-Based Ecotourism’ to boost the growth of local community. This tourism platform has been recognized by
National Biodiversity Authority for its uniqueness.
His recent works of recognition for the award:
• He has rescued numerous dolphins and dugongs from fishing nets.
• He has successfully incubated various Olive Ridley Turtle eggs.
• He has led mangrove restoration in the Gulf of Mannar
• He has organised underwater plastic clean-ups.
• He conducted patrols and checks to reduce wildlife crime in the National Park.
He is one of the very few people who has been using the power he has been vested with, correctly and making India proud.