In the coverage section of a website's search console, it is common to see different URLs listed under the referring page. This can be confusing, as it may not be immediately clear why these different URLs are being listed. There are various reasons why this could happen.

First, it is important to understand that the referring page is the page on the website where a user clicked a link that led them to the indexed page. For example, if a user clicked a link on the homepage that led them to a blog post, the homepage would be the referring page.
One reason why different URLs may be listed under the referring page is that the same indexed page may be accessible through multiple URLs. This can occur if the website has multiple versions of the same page, such as a HTTP and HTTPS version, or if the page can be accessed through different URL parameters. In this case, each URL that leads to the same indexed page may be listed under the referring page.
Another reason why different URLs may be listed under the referring page is that the indexed page may have been accessed through an external link. In this case, the referring page would be the external website that contains the link to the indexed page. However, the indexed page may also be accessible through different URLs on the external website, which would result in multiple URLs being listed under the referring page in the coverage section.
Additionally, different URLs may be listed under the referring page if the indexed page has been accessed through internal links on different pages of the website. In this case, each page that contains a link to the indexed page would be listed under the referring page.
Finally, it is possible that different URLs may be listed under the referring page due to errors or inconsistencies in the website's URL structure. For example, if there are duplicate content issues on the website, multiple versions of the same page may be indexed under different URLs, resulting in multiple URLs being listed under the referring page.