Can we mention any user on any comment at MindStick?

Asked 4 years ago
Viewed 575 times

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It's a piece of information I've never heard of, I'll dig into it more! fall guys  drift hunters

answered 2 years ago by jena fionna
  1. Thank you for your answers, now it's clearer for me. - Andersen Lab 2 years ago


We can only mention the user by its name, usually, when we mention any user on social media it performs like a blue-colored link that redirects us to their profile, but here at MindStick, we can only acknowledge them by only writing their name
Can we mention any user on any comment at MindStick?
on which He/She will receive a notification that the other user has commented on your Comment or Answer.
Can we mention any user on any comment at MindStick?

answered 4 years ago by MindStick Software Pvt Ltd

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