How can we share any answers at Q&A Section?

Asked 21-Jan-2021
Viewed 250 times

1 Answer


Sharing an answer needs to be specific enough and accurate, The one who is asking any question at MindStick Q&A demands such answers that can complete his requirement.

Answers on MindStick can be of Two types:

Prescriptive - Prescriptive are those answers which are answered in the simplest way, exactly giving the answers in a word , or maybe in a sentence.

Descriptive - Descriptive answers are generally very well explained, described, and answered in such a way that can also answer all the sub-question that could be occurred regarding that.

  • To share the answer you need to Register with MindStick first. 

How can we share any answers at Q&A Section?

  • Now as you are logged in, you need to visit the MindStick Q&A page, where you can have the possibility of Answering to any Question.
  • How can we share any answers at Q&A Section?

  • Pick up the Question and scroll down at the end of the Question where you will get 2 of the options, whether to Answer or to leave a Comment.

How can we share any answers at Q&A Section?

  • Click on the Answer tab, new drop down window will be open where you can write your answer as well as add Images, Videos, Headings, Tables, Links and many more features.

How can we share any answers at Q&A Section?

  • As you are done click on the Answer Button your answer will be posted.

To go directly on the MindStick Q&A click on the following link: