Pest control is the restriction or supervision of a species distinguished as a pest, a member of the animal kingdom that influences adversely on human actions.

The human response relies on the significance of the destruction performed and will range from compassion, through deterrence & supervision, to strives to eliminate the pest. Pest control calculations may be conducted as a portion of an integrated pest administration technique.
In agriculture, pests are conserved at bay by cultural, chemical, & biological norms. Ploughing & cultivation of the soil before cultivating mitigate the pest responsibility & there is a current direction to restrict the aim of pesticides as far as feasible.

This can be attained by regulating the crop, only correlating insecticides when crucial, & by cultivating mixtures and crops which are unwilling to pests. Where feasible, biological means are utilized, facilitating the natural enemies of the pests & acquainting adequate buzzards or parasites.