What do you understand by the beginner section?

Asked 18-Jan-2021
Viewed 207 times

1 Answer


Beginner comes under the Developer Section, this allows you to post your own article at the optional category of a beginner if your aren't a professional yet.

The unmatured write-up when we use to write in terms of learning and practice, we at MindStick consider this at the Beginner Section. As you're considered under professional or your content gets popularity or growth you can directly switch to Article Section. 

Beginner Section comes under the Developer Section, To go to the Beginner section - 

What do you understand by the beginner section?

  • Click on the Beginner button a new window beginner will appear. 

What do you understand by the beginner section?

Or click on the following link to go to the Beginner Section: www.mindstick.com/developersection/beginner 

READ MORE: How to locate myself to beginner section at MindStick?