Can we generate any tags while posting any article at MindStick?

Asked 4 years ago
Viewed 389 times


Can we generate any tags while posting any article at MindStick? I would like to generate my own.
Please let me know process.

1 Answer


You can easily generate tags on your own, you need not to mail or ask us for the tags, simply go to the tag option above your content and create tags. 

A tag or hashtags is a metadata tag that is sometimes preceded by the hash symbol, #. Tags are widely used on microblogging and content-sharing services such as social media as well as on MindStick as a sort of user-originated tagging that facilitates cross-referencing of content sharing a topic or theme.

While we post any content on MindStick we are advised to develop as many as tags we can but within the character limit of 200.

Now Tags will categorize you in a particular area related to your content and subject. 

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Can we generate any tags while posting any article at MindStick?

answered 4 years ago by MindStick Software Pvt Ltd

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