How many steps does the interview procedures takes at MindStick?

Asked 4 years ago
Viewed 704 times


How many steps does the interview procedures takes at MindStick?

1 Answer


Both the Interviews whether for Applying for a Job or An Internship are critical procedures where you have to pay very good attention to the interview and give your hundred percent which will increase your hiring chances. 

An internship hiring is a bit easy as compared to applying for a job, The MindStick authorities will take a thorough look-up on the employee and his/her past work experience as well as his ideology and commitment towards work. It is not that every human is perfect and we also don't demand one, but someone who can take a dig in trying and working hard is surely made for MindStick

Interview Procedures for an Internship -

  • Applied
  • Application Review
  • Written Test or Task
  • Telephonic Interview
  • Face-to-Face Interview
  • Hired for the Internship

To go to the Internship page click on the following link:

How many steps does the interview procedures takes at MindStick?

Interview Procedure for Applying for a Job

  • Applied
  • Application Review 
  • Written Test or Task
  • Telephonic Interview 
  • Face-to-Face Interview 
  • Video call Interview from USA Office 
  • Machine Test 
  • Hired for the Job

To go to the Apply for a Job page click on the following link:

How many steps does the interview procedures takes at MindStick?

answered 4 years ago by MindStick Software Pvt Ltd

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