At what point according to the calculation of a disgusting act like rape on the world stage?

Asked 08-Oct-2020
Updated 28-Aug-2023
Viewed 854 times


At what point according to the calculation of a disgusting act like rape on the world stage?

1 Answer


The term "rape" refers to a heinous crime that involves non-consensual sexual intercourse or penetration. The assessment of such an act as "disgusting" is a moral judgment that is widely shared across cultures and societies due to the violation of an individual's autonomy, dignity, and human rights. The global understanding of rape as a vile and reprehensible act is rooted in its severe physical, emotional, and psychological consequences on the survivor.

On the world stage, the condemnation of rape transcends geographical boundaries and cultural differences. International human rights norms, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), recognize sexual violence, including rape, as a violation of fundamental rights. These documents underscore the need for legal, social, and cultural efforts to prevent and address such acts.

Various international criminal tribunals, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, have recognized rape as a war crime, a crime against humanity, and even a form of genocide when committed systematically during conflicts. This acknowledgment further highlights the global consensus on the gravity of the crime.

The calculation of the disgusting nature of rape isn't subject to quantifiable metrics, as its repulsiveness is inherent in the violation of personal boundaries, consent, and dignity. Society's collective abhorrence towards rape is a reflection of shared values that prioritize respect for individuals' bodily autonomy and human rights.

Efforts to combat rape on the world stage encompass legal reforms, support for survivors, education, awareness campaigns, and international collaborations. The aim is to eliminate this crime, ensure justice for survivors, and create a world where all individuals can live free from the fear of such atrocities.

In conclusion, the universal revulsion towards rape is rooted in the profound violation of human rights and the dignity of individuals. This sentiment is upheld across the world stage through international agreements, legal mechanisms, and social efforts aimed at preventing and addressing this abhorrent act.