How do you automate a web application using UFT?

Asked 27-Aug-2020
Viewed 878 times

1 Answer


QTP/UFT (Unified Functional Testing) 

Where the UFT & QTP are the automated functional Testing tool that helps testers to execute automated tests in order to identify any errors, fault or gaps in contrary to the expected results of the application under test. This was designed by Mercury Interactive and later on acquired by HP and now MicroFocus. That is the Full form of QTP is QuickTest Professional while UFT means Unified Functional Testing.

  • This is an icon-based tool that automates the regression and Functional Testing of an application
  • These Techniques, as well as a non-technical tester, can use Micro Focus QTP
  • These provides both features- Record as well as Playback
  • You can test Desktop as well as the Web-based applications
  • These allows Business Process Testing (BPT)
  • The QTP Testing is based on scripting language VB script
  • The Micro Focus's UFT uses VBScript to automate applications
  • These supports the largest pool of software development environments like SAP, Oracle etc..
  • The QTP tool helps the testers to perform an automated functional testing uninterrupted.

How do you automate a web application using UFT?