which category has highest population in india

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which category has highest population in india

2 Answers


which category has highest population in india

It is estimated that India will overtake China as the world's most dangerous nation by 2030. India's population growth has given rise to concerns that it will lead to widespread unemployment and political instability. Keep in mind that these estimates are fantasies about future fertility and mortality rates, which may not be true in nature. Can occur. Fertility rates also vary by region; Some are above the national average and some are below.

Hindus make up 79.8% (96.8 crore) of the population. Muslims constitute 14.2% of the population (17.2 million according to the census) compared to 11% in the previous tenure.The census data of India in August 2011 Was released.  It revealed that 2,870,000 people did not state any religion in their response, about 0.27% of the country's population. However, the number included atheists, rationalism, and those who believed in a higher power. The "other" option was for minor or tribal religions as well as for atheist and agnosticism.
Hindi is the most widely spoken language in the northern parts of India. The Indian Census takes the widest possible definition of "Hindi" as a wide variety of "Hindi". According to the 2011 Census, 57.1% of the Indian population knows Hindi [18] with 43.63% of Indian people declaring Hindi as their native language or mother tongue.

Language data was released on 26 June 2018.  Bhili / Bhilodi was the most spoken scheduled language with 1.04 crore speakers, followed by Gondi with 29 lakh speakers. In the 2011 census 96.71% of India's population speaks one of the 22 scheduled languages ​​as their mother tongue.

The 2011 Census Report on Bilingualism and Trilingualism, which provides data on two languages ​​in order of priority in which a person is proficient in other than the mother tongue, was released in September 2018.  India The number of bilingual speakers in India is 31.49 crore, which is 26% of the population in 2011.  7% of the Indian population is trilingual. Hindi, Bengali speakers are the lowest multilingual group in India.

answered 4 years ago by Anonymous User


The population of India is divided into several groups based on social, educational, and financial statuses. The formation of these groups is a result of the historical social structure of the country. As of 2019, Other Backward Class (OBC) constituted the largest part of the Indian population accounting for more than 40 percent. On the opposite hand, Schedule Tribes formed but one-tenth of the population.
How prosperous is India’s caste-based society?
India suffers from extreme social and economic inequality. As of 2016, the combined share of Schedule Tribe and Schedule Caste within the affluent population of India was less than 30 percent. Contrary to this, economically and socially stronger groups constituted the major part of the affluent population. Hence, indicating a strong relationship between caste and prosperity.
India’s thoughts on caste-based reservation
The constitution of India provides reservations to the weaker sections of the society for their upliftment and growth. However, the need for reservation has increased with time, making the whole situation even more complicated. People are divided over the existence of a system that provides preference to certain castes or sects.
In a survey conducted in 2016 about providing employment reservation to young adults of Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe, many people expressed opposition. More than 40 percent of opposition came from upper Hindu caste. Minimum opposition was observed from the people belonging to Schedule Tribe and Schedule Caste.
answered 4 years ago by Palak Anjum

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