In any country, when the population reaches an explosive state, it begins to grow disproportionately with resources, so it is necessary to bring stability in it. The resource is a very important component. The population growth rate is higher than the pace of development in India. Regional imbalance with resources is also increasing rapidly. In South India, the total fertility rate, or the number of children a woman can give birth during the reproductive stage, is about 2.1, which is considered the stability rate.
how can we control population growth
Asked 25-Aug-2020
Viewed 1497 times
how can we control population growth
2 Answers
But in contrast, North India and Eastern India, which have states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, have a total fertility rate of more than four. This creates a regional imbalance within India. When development is low in some part and population is high, then people migrate from such place to other places in search of employment and livelihood. But the scarcity of resources and the overpopulation of population cause tension, regionalism in various areas is associated with struggle for resources.
Malthus, a British economist, explained the population growth and its effects in the Principal of Population. According to Malthus, ‘Population grows at double the speed (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32), while resources increase at a normal pace (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). As a result, the population doubles after every 25 years. Although the views of Malthus cannot be agreed verbatim, it is true that the growth rate of population is more than the growth rate of resources. David Ricardo, the originator of the land theory theory, and Thomas Sadler, Herbert Spencer on the coordination of population and resources, have also expressed serious views on population growth.
Population control measures
Despite the estimates of the Economic Survey, India's growing population is a reality, which will exceed China by the year 2030. Rapid growth in population produces various negative consequences. To prevent these consequences, it is necessary to stabilize the growth rate by controlling the population. Following measures can prevent the rapid growth rate of the population-
Human reproduction rate is higher in a given period of age. If the age of marriage is increased, the birth rate of children can be controlled.
Improvement in the economic condition of women and involve them in the decision process.
Improve the quality of education and change the approach of giving birth to more children.
India has a large number of orphans and there are families who are not able to give birth to children. Encourage such families to adopt children, as well as motivate other families to adopt children. In this way, not only will the situation of orphans improve, but the population will also be controlled.
Due to various factors in India, procuring a son is considered necessary and the birth of a daughter is discouraged. If gender discrimination is abolished, the tendency of giving birth to more and more children in the desire of a son can be stopped.
In Indian society it is considered necessary for any couple to have children and without it the couple is looked upon with heart, if this thinking is changed then it will be helpful in reducing the population.
It is considered necessary to have children as a support in social security and old age. But at present, this idea has changed due to various government schemes and facilities. This factor can also be useful in population control.
Population growth can be reduced by improving the economic condition of families and raising their standard of living. It is often seen that people with high living standards prefer small families.
Urbanization in India is thought to be inversely related to population growth. If urbanization is promoted, it will certainly prove useful in population control.
The population growth rate in India is high in rural areas, mainly due to lack of awareness about family planning. If planning gives birth to children, it can be the most effective means of population control.
A large population is still away from education in India, so the benefits of family planning are not known. Efforts should be made to bring awareness among the people, especially in rural and backward areas, through various media such as television, radio, newspapers etc.
The government should try to encourage people through various mediums who pay attention to family planning and give priority to small families.
Although increase within the 20th and 21st centuries has rocketed, it are often slowed, stopped and reversed. Under the United Nations‘ most optimistic scenario, a sustainable reduction in global population could happen within decades.
We need to take many actions to reduce the impact of those of us already here – especially the richest of us who have the largest environmental impact – including through lower utilization to sustainable levels, and systemic economic changes to ensure global justice within the environmental limits of our planet.
One of the foremost effective steps we will fancy achieve both goals – reducing our environmental impact and ending increase – is to settle on smaller family size, and empower those that can’t make that choice freely to try to to so.
Population progress are often slowed, stopped and reversed through actions which enhance global justice and improve people’s lives.
The United Nations makes a variety of projections for future increase , supported assumptions about how long people will live, what the birthrate are going to be in several countries and how many people of childbearing age there will be. Its main population prediction is within the middle of that range – 9.7bn in 2050 and 10.9bn in 2100.
It also calculates that if, on average, every other family had one fewer child than it has assumed (i.e. ‘half a child less’ per family), there will be one billion fewer of us than it expects by 2050 – and nearly four billion fewer by the end of the era(within the lifetimes of many children born now). If that happens, our population will be less than it is today.
All the country have had success in reducing their birth rates. Thailand, as an example , reduced its birthrate by nearly 75% in only two generations with a targeted, creative and ethical birth control programme.
In the last ten years alone, fertility rates in Asia have dropped by nearly 10%.
Where women and girls are empowered to choose what happens to their bodies and lives, fertility rates plummet. Empowerment means freedom to pursue education and a career, economic independence, easy access to sexual and reproductive healthcare, and ending horrific injustices like child marriage and gender-based violence. Overall, advancing the rights of women and girls is one of the most powerful solutions to our greatest environmental and social crises.
Currently, more than 200 million women who want to avoid pregnancy are not using modern contraception. There are a variety of reasons for this, including lack of access, concerns about side-effects and social pressure (often from male partners) not to use it. These women mostly live in some of the world‘s poorest countries, where population is set to rise by 3 billion by 2100. Overseas aid support for family planning is essential – both ensuring levels are high enough and that delivery of service is effective and goes hand-in-hand with advancing gender equality and engaging men.
Across the world, some people choose not to use contraception because they are influenced by assumptions, practices and pressures within their nations or communities. In some places, very large family sizes are considered desirable; in others, the use of contraception is discouraged or forbidden. Work with women and men to vary attitudes towards contraception and family size has formed a key a part of successful birth control programmes. Religious barriers may also be overturned or side-lined. In Iran, a really successful birth control campaign was initiated when the country‘s religionist declared the utilization of contraception was according to Islamic belief. In Europe, predominantly Catholic countries like Portugal and Italy have a number of rock bottom fertility rates.
Ensuring every child receives a quality education is one of the most effective levers for sustainable development. Many kids in developing countries are out of school, with girls affected more than boys due to gender inequality. Education opens doors and provides disadvantaged kids and young people with a “way out”. There is a direct correlation between the number of years a woman spends in education and how many children she ends up having. According to one study, African women with no education have, on average, 5.4 children; women who have completed secondary school have 2.7 and those who have a college education have 2.2. When families are small, that also empowers women to gain education, take work and improve their economic opportunities.
The UN projects that increase over subsequent century are going to be driven by the world‘s very poorest countries. Escaping poverty isn't just a fundamental right but an important thanks to bring birth rates down. Decreasing child mortality, improving education and providing people with economic opportunities all help to scale back fertility and increase . International aid, fair trade and global justice are all tools to assist bring global population back to sustainable levels.
In the developed world, most folks have the facility to settle on the dimensions of our families – although we can also face pressures of all types over the dimensions of the families we choose to have. When making choices about that, it’s important to remember that people in the rich parts of the world have a disproportionate impact on the global environment through our high level of consumption and greenhouse emission emissions – within the UK, as an example , each individual produces 70 times more CO2 emissions than someone from Niger. When we acknowledge the implications for our surroundings and our children‘s futures of a growing population, we will recognize that choosing smaller families is one positive choice we will make.