what should do if you have low blood pressure

Asked 4 years ago
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what should do if you have low blood pressure

3 Answers


Blood tests. These can provide information about your overall health as well as whether you have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), high blood sugar (hyperglycemia or diabetes) or a low red blood cell count (anemia), all of which can cause lower than normal blood pressure.

Electrocardiogram (ECG). During this painless, noninvasive test, soft, sticky patches (electrodes) are attached to the skin of your chest, arms and legs. The patches detect your heart's electrical signals while a machine records them on graph paper or displays them on a screen.

An ECG, which can be performed in your doctor's office, detects irregularities in your heart rhythm, structural problems in your heart, and problems with the supply of blood and oxygen to your heart muscle. It can also tell if you're having a heart attack or have had one in the past.

Tilt table test. If you have low blood pressure on standing or from faulty brain signals (neurally mediated hypotension), a tilt table test can evaluate how your body reacts to changes in position.
During the test, you lie on a table that's tilted to raise the upper part of your body, which simulates the movement from horizontal to a standing position.

answered 3 years ago by Mediyaar Healthcare


Low pressure is generalized as the lowest 5 percent of all blood pressure readings. This means that any a reading of, say, 115/70 is in fact a low pressure condition. This condition is prevalent in almost 55 to 60 percent among women and up to 45 percent among men. Almost 50 percent of people have episodes when their body encounters such a condition of low blood pressure. During night time the values tend to drop even further.
Lower Blood pressure is regarded healthy in some countries, which could be true considering the fact, that high pressure related risks are low. However, it is believed that this condition can give rise to symptoms of weakness, fatigue and depression.
Hypotension or Lower Blood Pressure usually shows values of the diastolic blood pressure lower than 90/60 mmHg or is lower enough to cause symptoms. When the blood pressure is too low there is inadequate blood flow to the brain and other vital organs. Light-headedness or fainting may then occur. A common type of hypotension is postural (also known as orthostatic) hypotension, in which standing suddenly leads to dizziness or fainting
The adrenal glands located near to the kidneys produce a hormone called aldosterone. This hormone is very important in controlling the amount of salt in your body. In case of any damage to the adrenal glands there will be insufficient aldosterone in the system. This will lead to a loss of salt from your body which may cause low blood pressure
It has been widely observed that adding extra measure of fruits, vegetables and low-fat or fat-free dairy products help prevent or lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. A diet rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium and low in total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium is recommended
Exercises without doubt hold a vital key. The types of exercises are usually determined according to the age and sex bracket. However, an early morning jog, a light routine of aerobics and swimming are some of the more recommended forms. Yoga, taichi, and certain other therapies have wonderful relaxation techniques to reduce stress and strain for both mind and body and effectively lower blood pressure . It is recomended to have a Full body checkup once a year for adults over 40 years of age
answered 3 years ago by Mediyaar Healthcare


what should do if you have low blood pressure

Low blood pressure or, in the medical language, low blood pressure is called hypotension. If a person's blood pressure reading is less than 90 and 60, then he comes under the category of people with low BP. There can be many reasons for low BP such as lack of water in the body, bad drug effects, due to surgery or serious injury, genetic, stress, drugs, bad eating habits, over-starvation etc.

Low blood pressure also points to heart disease, as blood flow is directly dependent on the heart's pumping action. In such a situation, any problem in the artery can cause problems in pumping blood, which does not allow enough blood to reach the body parts.

  • dizziness
  • Darkness in front of eyes
  • Blurry
  • Vomit
  • To be tired
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Face white
  • Trouble breathing
  • Having trouble eating
Prevention Steps

By the way, a person can avoid the condition of low BP if taking some precautions:
  • Do not keep the amount of salt in the food too small. Salt plays an important role in maintaining BP of the body.
  • Keep 8 glasses of water or any other type of liquid intake throughout the day, so that the body remains hydrated.
  • Avoid jerking from the bottom to the top.
  • Take medicine only on doctor's advice. If you have a reaction to a drug, it can also mess up BP.
  •  Avoid taking too much mental or physical stress.
  • Do not consume cigarettes and alcohol.

answered 4 years ago by Adriana Michele

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