how to maintain blood pressure

Asked 23-Aug-2020
Viewed 512 times

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how to maintain blood pressure

If your blood pressure is healthy, that‘s great! You’re in a good spot to put a stop to heart attack, stroke, and other major problems down the road. Your next goal is to keep it that way. 

Here are the prime important ways to stay your pressure level on target permanently .
Steady the scale:-Your pressure level rises as you set on extra pounds, so it‘s key to stay your weight during a good range. If you’re overweight, losing as little as 10 pounds can help bring your numbers down or prevent high pressure level.
No matter what you weigh, specialise in eating a nutritious, diet , getting regular exercise, and a lot of sleep.
Fit in fitness:-Along with weight control, exercise or yoga has another plus: It strengthens your heart and lowers your pressure level. Even if your blood pressure level is already normal, exercising will help keep it healthy as you grow old.
It doesn‘t take much to get the benefits: Just 2.5 hours of moderate exercise that gets your heart pumping (like brisk walking) each week is a good starting goal. If your workouts are more intense (like jogging or swimming laps), then just an hour and 20 minutes per week can be enough.
The more active you are, the better. Believe it or not 15 minutes of activity at a time will help you to control your blood pressure level.
Cut down on salt:- It shows up in a lot of unexpected places. Even if you avoid sprinkling extra on your meals, you might still get a lot of it in processed foods like frozen dinners, canned soups, deli meats, breads, and even sweet things like cookies. Since sodium naturally raises pressure level, it‘s an honest idea to limit it.Doctor always suggest to take healthy diet to maintain your blood pressure level.
Some experts recommend getting but 2,300 milligrams of sodium (just 1 teaspoon of salt) per day. If you‘re concerned about your numbers, the American Heart Association recommends you keep it under 1,500 milligrams a day, since that’s the amount linked with the biggest blood pressure benefit. Americans average about 3,400 milligrams a day, so chances are, there‘s room to lower that.