how many tourists visit rural areas in india?

Asked 19-Aug-2020
Viewed 838 times


how many tourists visit rural areas in india?                        

2 Answers


how many tourists visit rural areas in india?

Tourism is a socioeconomic activity with the competence of making large scale employment without compromising with the environment and ecology of destination. We know India’s rich culture and heritage remain unparalleled and therefore the country’s unity in diversity remains looked by the whole world. To know India’s real life, tradition, heritage, culture, festival, etc. rural area is the best place.

As per Ministry of Tourism statistics (2019)

how many tourists visit rural areas in india?

● No. of Foreign Tourist Arrivals in India: 11.56 Million (P)
Annual Growth Rate: 6.2%
● No. of Indian Nationals Departures from India: 27.30 Million (P)
Annual Growth Rate: 10.4%
● No. of Domestic Tourist Visits to all or any States/UTs: 1894.9 Million( R)
Annual Growth Rate: 12.4%
● Estimated Foreign Exchange Earnings from Tourism
i) In INR terms: 2,44,792 Crore rupees (# 2)
Annual Growth Rate: 10.6%
ii) In US$ terms: US$ 38.585 Billion (#2 )
Annual Growth Rate: 5.7%
how many tourists visit rural areas in india?
● No. of International Tourist Arrivals: 1503 Million (P)
Annual Growth Rate: 6.6%
● International Tourism Receipts: 1948 US$ Billion (P)
Annual Growth Rate: 8.3%
India’s Position in World
how many tourists visit rural areas in india?
● Part of India in International Tourist Arrivals: 2.24%
● India’s rank in World Tourist Arrivals: 23rd
● Part of India in International Tourism Receipts (US$ terms): 2.67%
● India’s rank in World Tourism Receipts: 11th
India’s Position in Asia & the Pacific Region
● Part of India in International Tourist Arrivals: 5.05%
● India’s rank in International Tourist Arrivals: 5th
● Part of India in International Tourism Receipts (US $ terms): 7.60%
● India’s rank in International Tourism Receipts: 5th
According to Ministry of Tourism: Rural Tourism is any sort of tourism that showcases the agricultural life, art, culture, and heritage at rural locations, thereby benefiting the area people economically and socially also as enabling interaction between the tourists and therefore the locals for a more enriching tourism experience. This article deals with the most characteristic features of Rural tourism.
 Some important Characteristics and Features of Rural Tourism in India:-
how many tourists visit rural areas in india?
1. The tourism activity happened within the countryside and community participation or initiative may be a prerequisite.
2. It incorporates different sorts of tourism and is multi-faceted.
3. The life style and living standard of the village is promoted by locally providing accommodation and food should be served. More focus is on accommodation that ought to be clean, pest controlled and hygienic.
4. A tourist plaza are often opened in order that tourists can buy local products like food, tea, honey, fruits, painted pottery, carpets, traditional embroideries, etc.
5. Locally available traditional transportation is employed sort of a tractor, Bi-cycle, Bullock-cart, etc.
6. Rural Tourism Focus must get on something to ascertain , something to try to to and something to shop for .
7. Tour to basic needs centre where the production of the products take place like fruit gardens (mango, grapes, poultry, dairy , etc) and visit local facilities like Gram Panchayat, school, Village, River, tube well, many another kinds of trees, old religious places and Museums.
8. Family and village games like gilli danda, kabaddi, kushti, high jump, long jump etc. are organised and evening entertainment is provided sort of a campfire, rural folk dance, local songs like kajari, birah, etc.
9. The prime beneficiary is local people that are trained professionally to supply an entire package to Rural Tourist. Local and district administration’s support is pre-requisite.
10. Rural tourists should be educated to act “Responsibility” and will respect the human and natural heritage of the host community. Tourists should be sensitized towards cultural values, social norms, and traditions.
how many tourists visit rural areas in india?
From the above article, we've seen that the govt is additionally taking measures to market rural tourism, its importance and features are also discussed.


how many tourists visit rural areas in india?

Tourism is a major socio-economic activity that has the potential to generate large scale employment without compromising the environment and ecology system of a region. We as citizens of this country are already familiar with India's rich culture and heritage remain unique and the whole world has still seen unity in the diversity of the country. The rural area is the best place to understand the true tradition, heritage, culture, festival, etc. of India. 

    • According to Ministry of Tourism data (2018)
      • Number of foreign tourist arrivals in India: 10.56 million 
      • Annual growth rate: 5.2%
      • Number of Indian citizens from India: 26.30 million 
      • Annual growth rate: 9.8%
      • Number of domestic tourists in all states/union territories: 1854.9 million (R) 
      • Annual growth rate: 11.9%
      • Estimated foreign exchange income from tourism

      • INR Terms: Rs 1,94,892 Crore 
      • Annual growth rate: 9.6% 
      • $ Terms in USD :  $ 28.585 billion 
      • Annual growth rate: 4.7%

    The Indian government has taken a plan to make Rural India a key success force in the tourism sector. Due to the current corona pandemic, a new rural tourism policy is being sought out to be made so in order to revive the economy. Many FDI (foreign direct investment) schemes and entities have also been placed to process in this regard and by next year's quarter, something new can happen towards rural India's tourism sector fate.