is Iran termed Israel-UAE agreement as fraud with Muslims ?

Asked 4 years ago
Viewed 667 times


is Iran termed Israel-UAE agreement as fraud with Muslims  

1 Answer


is Iran termed Israel-UAE agreement as fraud with Muslims ?

Yes, Iran has condemned an agreement establishing full diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel, calling it a stab for all Muslims.  Due to this only this agreement has been termed as fraud to Muslims only those Muslims who do not believe in Muslim brotherhood.

The State Department's statement on Friday called the normalization of relations between the two countries a dangerous, "embarrassing" measure and warned the UAE against Israel in the "political equations" of the Gulf region.

It does not matter because Iran is already facing isolation while Israel is progressing more and more and with the fixed hatred of Palestine (which is not available on Google Maps) too, we can be sure that only a few countries block have issues with this agreement which is accordingly against their political orientations, their stand on geopolitical issues.

While this agreement has been supported and set up by United States of America there are bound to be consequence-based political escalations between various countries from time to time. For now, there is a new alliance that the world has witnessed and welcomed in the majority.

answered 4 years ago by Anonymous User

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