Drones are unnamed aerial vehicles that is remotely controlled or fly autonomously through software controlled flight plans in their embedded systems and on-board sensors and GPS.
These are now associated with the military for anti aircraft targets, intelligence gathering and more controversially as weapons.
These are being used in a wide range of civilian roles ranging from search and rescue, surveillance, traffic monitoring, weather monitoring, firefighting, to personal drones and business drone based photography, agriculture and delivery services by e-commerce
Types of Drones
Drone platforms have two main types :
(I) Rotor, including single rotor or multi rotor such as tricopters, quadcopters, hexacopters, and octocopetrs,(ii) Fixed wing, which include the hybrid VTOL ( vertical takeoff and landing) drones that don't require runways. Drones can be categorised as either Personal/hobbyist or commercial/enterprise.
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