What is NPR?

Asked 29-Jan-2020
Viewed 629 times

2 Answers


It will be mandatory for every citizen to enter their name in the National Population Register (NPR) across the country, including Uttar Pradesh.
Lucknow. If you want to know about the National Population Register (NPR), what is the National Population Register, then you are being given full information about it here. It will be mandatory for every citizen to enter their name in the National Population Register (NPR) across the country, including Uttar Pradesh. Let us know that the Narendra Modi cabinet has also approved to update the 2021 census and National Population Register.
People of Uttar Pradesh will also have to enter their names in this National Population Register. In all the states of the country including Uttar Pradesh, if any area is living and living in that area, it has completed 6 months. So it will be very important to enter it in this register. Let us know that the government has not taken any decision regarding NPR yet, but already the governments of West Bengal and Kerala have protested about it although NPR has no relation with CAA and NRC.
Manmohan government started it
In 2010, the UPA government started the initiative to form NPR. After this, work on it was started before the census in 2011. Please tell that now the census of the country is to be held again in the year 2021, in such a situation, work on NPR can be started once again. If a person is an outsider and has been living in any part of the country for more than 6 months, then it is also mandatory to register his name in the NPR. The main objective of NPR is to prepare biometric data and reach the beneficiaries of government schemes.
You can give your information from home
You do not need to provide any documents for registering the name in the National Population Register. To register name in this register, you will have to fill online information through an app. You can give your information through the app sitting at home. You will not need to go anywhere. You will not even need any paper for this. 15 information about each person will be collected for NPR. Including the person's name, parent, gender, birth, educational status, address etc. The main objective of the government to form NPR is to create a comprehensive identity database for every citizen of the country. The database will contain demographic and biometric information.


What is NPR?

The NPR is a listing of usual residents" of India. "common resident" is defined for the functions of NPR as someone who has resided in a local region for the past six months or extra or someone who intends to live in that location for the subsequent six months or more.

The data for the National Population Register was first amassed in 2010 via the then UPA government and it is to be accomplished every 10 years. The NPR will be prepared at the neighborhood (village/sub-Town), sub-district, district, country and national level under provisions of the Citizenship Act 1955 and the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and the issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003. 

It is obligatory for each usual resident of India to register in the NPR. According to the authorities, you do not must provide evidence for NPR nor biometric details will be asked.