What is the use of FLOOR function in SQL Server?

Asked 5 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
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What is the use of FLOOR function in SQL Server

1 Answer


The FLOOR function in SQL Server is a mathematical function that is used to round a numeric value down to the nearest integer or specified decimal place. It essentially returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the given value. Here are some key uses and benefits of the FLOOR function in SQL Server:

Rounding Down: The primary use of the FLOOR function is to round a number down to the nearest whole number. This is particularly useful when you want to discard any decimal portion of a value and work with the integer part only. For example, if you have a calculated value that represents a quantity or count, you can use FLOOR to ensure that it is treated as a whole number.

Data Normalization: In certain cases, you might have numeric data that is expressed with a specific number of decimal places, but you want to truncate the decimal portion for consistency or normalization purposes. The FLOOR function allows you to effectively remove the decimal portion while preserving the integrity of the remaining integer value.

Data Aggregation: When performing aggregation operations on numeric data, the FLOOR function can be used to round down individual values within a group before aggregating them. This can be helpful when you want to group data based on certain criteria and summarize the rounded values. For instance, you may want to calculate the total sales for each whole week or month, regardless of the specific day or hour the transaction occurred.

Bucketing or Categorization: FLOOR can be employed to categorize or bucket numerical data into ranges or intervals. By rounding values down to specific intervals, you can create distinct groups or categories that are easier to work with or analyze. For example, you might use FLOOR to categorize age data into ranges such as 20-29, 30-39, and so on.

Data Presentation: In some cases, you might want to display numeric values in a report or presentation without showing the decimal portion. The FLOOR function can be used to format the data in a way that hides the decimal places, providing a cleaner and more readable output.

Data Conversion: When converting numeric values to other data types, such as integers or strings, the FLOOR function can be used to ensure the desired format or precision is maintained. By rounding down before the conversion, you can avoid unexpected rounding or truncation issues.

Overall, the FLOOR function in SQL Server provides a simple yet powerful way to round down numeric values, enabling various data manipulation and analysis scenarios. Whether you need to remove decimal places, aggregate rounded values, categorize data, or present data in a specific format, the FLOOR function offers valuable functionality for working with numerical data efficiently.

answered 1 year ago by Mark John

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