Which Constitutional Amendment is called Mini Constitution?

Asked 16-Sep-2019
Viewed 787 times


1 Answer


Which Constitutional Amendment is called Mini Constitution?

It is the most important amendment, it is also known as the Mini Constitution and it made the recommendations of the Swarn Singh Committee effective.

    • Three new words were added to the Preamble of the Constitution, Socialist, Secular and Integrity.
    • Fundamental duties for citizens were added to a new part-iv (a). 
    • The President was forced to accept the advice of the Cabinet. 
    • Tribunals were arranged for administrative tribunals and other matters. (Part (xiiv) (a) added) 
    • The number of seats in the Lok Sabha and state legislatures was fixed by the year 2001, based on the 1971 census. 
    • The constitutional amendment was excluded from judicial inquiry. 
    • The judicial review and writ jurisdiction of the SC and HC were cut off. 
    • The tenure of Lok Sabha and state legislatures was increased by 5 to 6 years. 
    • It was arranged that the laws made for the implementation of DPSP cannot be declared illegal on the grounds that these laws violate fundamental rights.
    • Parliament was given powers to make laws to deal with anti-national activities and it was clarified that these laws would not be affected by fundamental rights. 
    • Three new policy-directive elements have been added - equal justice and free legal aid, workers' participation in the management of industries, environmental protection and promotion and conservation of forests and wildlife. 
    • A proclamation of national emergency was arranged in some part of India. 
    • The duration of the President's rule in a state was increased from 6 months at a time to one year.
    • In order to deal with the serious situation of law and order in any state, the center was given the powers/powers to send to the armed forces. 
    • Five subjects were sent from the state list to the concurrent list. These are education, forests, conservation of wildlife and birds, administration of measures and justice, formation and organization of all courts except the Supreme Court and the High Courts. 
    • The need for a quorum was abolished from Parliament and state legislatures. 
    • Arrangements were made for the creation of All India Legal Service.
    • After the investigation, the process of disciplinary proceedings was shortened by removing the right of a civil servant to represent in the second phase.