India consented to the extensive comprehensive safeguards agreement (CSA) with the IAEA on February 02, 2009, which went into power on May 11, 2009. India marked the Additional Protocol (AP) to the IAEA shields concession to May 15, 2009, which went into power from July 25, 2014.
The AP is a significant instrument of the IAEA, far beyond the arrangements of the CSA's, to confirm the solely tranquil nature of a nation's atomic program. By sanctioning it path in 2014, India's limitation certifications have been additionally reinforced. India has consistently held that the protections arrangement of the IAEA is the "bedrock of the global network's certainty that serene employments of atomic vitality and restraint goals can be sought after in a reasonable way".
As on June 21, 2018, the IAEA AP is in power in 132 nations. 16 additional nations have marked it yet have not yet confirmed it. It is appropriate to take note of that a few nations (like Brazil, Argentina, and Pakistan, among others) have not yet marked the AP. According to the IAEA Safeguards Implementation Report 2017, shields arrangements were in power in 181 nations.
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