The goal of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Project is to help Government of India (GoI) in building national limit with respect to usage of complete seaside the executives approach in the nation, and directing the incorporated waterfront zone the executives approach in conditions of Gujarat, Orissa and West Bengal.
There are four parts to the task, the primary segment being national ICZM limit building. The national segment will incorporate mapping, depiction, and outline of the danger lines, and depiction of beachfront residue cells up and down the territory shore of India.
The subsequent segment is the guiding ICZM approach in Gujarat. This part will bolster limit working of the state-level organizations and foundations, including arrangement of an ICZM plan for the beachfront dregs cell that incorporates the Gulf of Kachchh, and pilot speculations. The third segment is the directing of ICZM approaches in Orissa.
This part will incorporate the limit working of the state-level offices and foundations, including the arrangement of an ICZM plan for the seaside dregs cells that incorporate the stretches of Paradip-Dhamra and Gopalpur-Chilika, including a provincial beachfront procedure study, and pilot ventures. At long last, the fourth part is the steering ICZM approaches in West Bengal.