Who inaugurated the Indian Airforce Facilitation-cum-Publicity Pavilion in New Delhi?

Asked 5 years ago
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Who inaugurated the Indian Airforce Facilitation-cum-Publicity Pavilion in New Delhi?

1 Answer


Who inaugurated the Indian Airforce Facilitation-cum-Publicity Pavilion in New Delhi?

The date was 31st July 2019 when Union Human Resource Development Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank inaugurated the Indian Air Force Facility-cum-Promotional Pavilion in the presence of Sanjay Dhotre, Minister of State for Human Resource Development and Chief of the Air Force Marshal.B.S. Dhanoa (PVSM, AVSM, YSM, VM, and ADC). It was Wednesday and the inauguration venue was National Bal Bhavan.

It is important to note that the pavilion has been set up by the Indian Air Force to inspire students to join the Indian Air Force. India needs student volunteers who can be trained to serve the nation with integrity.

In Indian students, there is boundless energy and infinite curiosity and the ability to develop, empower, and brighten the future of the country. Indian students can apply for the Indian Defense services through AFCAT (X,Y Grade). NDA (National Defence Academy) and UPSC CDS (Combined Defence Services) exams at their different post levels for direct or indirect plus training entry.

answered 4 years ago by Anonymous User

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