Wake up India book was written by whom?

Asked 5 years ago
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ANSWER: Annie Besant

Wake up India book was written by whom?

Annie Besant (1 October 1847- 20 September 1933) was an English socialist leader who advocated for the self-rule and independence of India. She also promoted the cause of women's education and empowerment. She wrote more than 300 writing works which include novels, books, and journals getting positive responses and acclaim worldwide.

"Wake Up India - a plea for social reform" was written by her in the year 1915. It was a progression of eight talks conveyed in Madras in 1913 and distributed soon thereafter. Besant's talks centered around a scope of subjects, remembering mass movement for India, women's work, enterprises, and remote travel.

While the talks might not have had the degree of dissemination or impact that Besant's Why I Became a Theosophist (1889) did, this bool makes a case for their job as an antecedent to hostile to supreme governmental issues in mid-twentieth-century India. Keeping that in mind, it centers around Besant as an open scholarly and her content as one intended to affect its audience members and perusers, prompting consequent social change endeavors, with a definitive objective of Home Rule for India. 

answered 5 years ago by Anonymous User

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