Who had suggested the imposition of expenditure tax in India for the first time?

Asked 17-May-2019
Viewed 1115 times


Who had suggested the imposition of expenditure tax in India for the first time?

1 Answer


Answer: Nicholas Kaldor

Who had suggested the imposition of expenditure tax in India for the first time?

Nicholas Kaldor (12 May 1908 – 30 September 1986) was a famous British economist known for his reformist economic concepts. He was the economist who suggested the imposition of expenditure tax in India for the first time. He also proposed gift tax and wealth tax to imposed. He was known for having expertise in Asian Economical studies. He presented the famous concept of Kaldor-Hicks improvement which is a major concept in Welfare Economics along with the cobweb model to study the fluctuation of prices over a certain period of time. 

He also presented the Kaldor's growth laws for the study of economic growth. He is widely remembered as the leading modern economists who had expertise in Welfare Economics and orientation towards center-left. He belonged to the Post-war or Post-Keynesian school of economics