Asteroids are found in which 2 planets?

Asked 24-Mar-2019
Viewed 873 times

1 Answer


Answer: Mars & Jupiter 

Asteroids are found in which 2 planets?

Mars & Jupiter are the two specific planets of our solar system where asteroids have been found out so far. Asteroids refer to small object sized celestial rocky bodies that orbit the Sun just like the other planets. However, they are not like planets. Most asteroids are found in the main asteroid belt which is found between Mars and Jupiter planets.

Actually, the asteroid belt is a region of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where most of the asteroids in our Solar System are found orbiting. The asteroid belt probably contains millions of asteroids. Space experts feel that the space rock belt is comprised of a material that was always unable to frame into a planet, or of the remaining parts of a planet which broke separated quite a while prior. The biggest asteroid is called Ceres. It is around one-quarter of the size of our moon. It is also a dwarf planet.