Chinook and Apache are being procured from which country?

Asked 14-Mar-2019
Viewed 858 times

1 Answer


The Apache is an adaptable war helicopter fit for shooting aerial and air to ground rockets, rockets and front firearm helped through fire control radar which can release ruin on the foe. The Chinooks, then again, can transport various burdens in remote areas.

India, US signed the important $3 billion arrangement for acquisition of 15 Chinook heavy-lift and 22 Apache assault helicopters in July 2018. This was an important turn around event between the two strongest allies who set to embark on a new military alliance in the new world order.

In 2019 the successful delivery of these war vehicles was done and the Indian Air Force under then Air Chief  HS Dhanua made sure that India is never deprived of any air warfare weapons or vehicles technologically as well as strategically. The procurement of Chinook and Apache helicopters was the best example of it.