Mahad Satyagraha was led by whom?

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Mahad Satyagraha was led by whom?

Mahad Satyagraha or Chavdar Tale Satyagraha was an important satyagraha led by using B. R. Ambedkar on 20 March 1927 to allow untouchables to use water from a public tank in Mahad (presently in Raigad district), Maharashtra, India. The day (20 March) is termed as Social Empowerment day in India. 

Mahad Municipality, which was part of Bombay Province territory, had reaffirmed this resolution in 1924. However, the resolution remained on paper till Dr Ambedkar and his partners went to drink water from the Chavdar tank of Mahad on March 20, 1927. 
Dr Ambedkar had long past to Mahad for a day convention organized with the people of Kolaba District Depressed Classes on March 19–20, 1927 on the invitation of Ramachandra Babaji More. Dr. Ambedkar presided over this conference, which became attended by way of many delegates.

The major time table of the gathering was to elevate awareness approximately the civil rights of Dalits. During the convention, it was proposed that the attendees would march to Chavdar tank and the “untouchables” will assert their human and legal right of using water from the tank. 

answered 5 years ago by Anonymous User

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