What is ACID Property in DBMS? And also define the concept "state of transaction".

Asked 6 years ago
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What is ACID Property in DBMS? And also define the concept, "state of transaction".

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“ACID Property”
ACID Property(Stands for Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability ) is a most important concept of DBMS. And it is mainly used for transaction management and also use to ensure that each transaction doesn’t overlap to each other.
By using ACID property make it possible for allowing safe sharing of data in a database. Well, Let see these properties are as follows-

What is ACID Property in DBMS? And also define the concept "state of transaction".

It is basic logic or basic fundamental unit of a transaction so we say, a transaction should always atomic in nature if all the instruction participating in the transaction must execute or none of them are executes.

Consistency property defines the concept,  data is in a consistent state when all the transaction starts execution and when execution is finished. And for each execution, only valid data is saved according to defined rules.

Only one transaction should be executed at a time, I mean when one transaction is completely done then you can start other transactions in this case every transaction doesn’t effect to each other.
Durability property define the concept, If you have make some changes on a database or you have to update a database in the new state then these changes are must be updated in a system and any type of failure(hardware or software failure) occur then committed data should never be a loss.

What is ACID Property in DBMS? And also define the concept "state of transaction".

Let see “What is States Of any Transaction”
In DBMS state of the transaction is manage in following ways-

  • Active: It’s the initial state of each transaction.
  • Partially Committed:  when the transaction in their final state, then it said to be partially committed.
  • Committed: If all the transactions are completely done, then this state is said to be committed.
  • Failed: If any failure occurs during the execution of a transaction, then all transaction doesn’t proceed longer and go to fail state.
  • Aborted:   If any execution goes back to fail state and some recovery manager are rolled back all operation on the database and database remain same in our original state, then this type of transaction is called Aborted state.
What is ACID Property in DBMS? And also define the concept "state of transaction".

"Thanks!!! for Reading"
answered 6 years ago by Arti Mishra

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