How to fix an Apple iPhone SE that won’t turn on

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 382 times


How to fix an Apple iPhone SE that won’t turn on  

1 Answer


We won't be able to physically inspect it, so we'll try charging it for at least 10 minutes and turning it on again. If the problem persists, consider doing a soft reset while your device is charging, since the issue might be a mix of system crashes and exhausted battery.

The worst-case scenario for an iPhone that won't switch on is that the phone's hardware has been destroyed and it can no longer power up its components. When you plug your phone in to charge, the charging indicators won't appear, so you'll know right away if there's a problem with the hardware. However, I recommend waiting 5 minutes to check if the charging icon appears, because when the battery is completely depleted, the charging icon will not appear. The phone may take a few minutes to display the charging indications.

If your gadget refuses to respond to the charger no matter what, try the following:
  • Examine the cord for any signs of damage.
  • Check your charger's port for lint, debris, or rust that might prevent it from charging.
  • Examine the pins to determine whether any of them are bent.
  • Examine your phone's charging port for trash and rust.
  • Attempt to use a different charger.
answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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