The United States decided to divide the Oregon territory with who and why?

Asked 6 years ago
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The United States decided to divide the Oregon territory with who and why?

1 Answer


One of Manifest Destiny's early victories was the Oregon Treaty. Both the United States and the United Kingdom valued the Oregon Territory. At initially, the region was divided between the two countries. Willamette Valley, as well as its great resources, drew immigrant west to Oregon territory (U.S.). President James K. Polk fought tooth and nail to keep expansionism alive. He informed the British that the Oregon Territory could not have been partitioned, which sparked the Pig War (U.S.). The execution of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1846 was significant for Manifest Destiny since it demonstrated that the United States was prepared to battle for western territories.

The Oregon Territory is mentioned in the Savannah Georgian. It claims that the land is worthless since it would generate tension with neighbouring countries, while another party claims that the land is fertile and it would be an amazing spot to cultivate and reside. Even though there are opposing viewpoints on the subject, the express values would prevail owing to the United States' strong approach of reclaiming the area from the British.

United States Congressional Map depicting regions created as a result of the Oregon Treaty. This agreement resulted in the formation of many provinces, including Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and sections of Minnesota. The establishment of new provinces and colonies was crucial to American democracy. Letting in northern states might enable southern cities to join at the very same stage, rebalancing the committee's strength between slave states and free states. The United States might not have developed as often as it would if it hadn't been for divine right. It may have harmed Britain's overseas connections as well. If the United States doesn't make a stand against the British invasion, it will lose its position in the international society and will be exploited by other nations with a stake in western possessions. The Oregon Treaty is an essential aspect of the United States' expansionist.
answered 3 years ago by Anonymous User

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