If you've used your smartphone for a long time and downloaded and i
nstalled a lot of complicated programs
and multimedia material, it's likely that it's running out of internal storage and exhibiting performance issues. This may happen to any gadget as it ages. You may notice a
decrease in performance at first, and then over the next several days or weeks, your apps will react very slowly, displays will become sluggish, and websites will take longer to load than usual, crashing or stopping often. While these symptoms might indicate
hardware damage, the fundamental problem is generally found in the software layer.
You can try several methods to speed up your iPhone as long as there have been no past instances of accidental drops or liquid exposure that may have caused physical or liquid harm to your device.
1. Get rid of any programs or information that you don't need.
2. Close any programs that are running in the background.
3. Install the most recent iOS version on your iPhone 6s Plus.