How to fix an iPhone 7 Plus that won’t connect to Bluetooth devices, Bluetooth pairing doesn’t work after iOS update

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 279 times


How to fix an iPhone 7 Plus that won’t connect to Bluetooth devices, Bluetooth pairing doesn’t work after iOS update  

1 Answer


Following the installation of a new system update, some programs and services may go rogue. This is to be expected, as certain apps will be unable to adjust to the new platform modifications. Fortunately, these are usually minor difficulties that may be readily resolved by doing a soft reset or restarting the device. If you haven't rebooted your iPhone since updating iOS, follow these instructions:

  1. Hold down the Power button until you see the slider appear.
  2. To turn your iPhone entirely off, drag the Slide to Power off right.
  3. Press and hold the Power button for around 30 seconds, or until you see the Apple logo.

After your phone has finished starting up, try pairing or connecting to your Bluetooth device again.
answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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