Both the normal restart (soft reset) and the forced restart clean out your phone's internal memory while also correcting any corrupted data, rogue apps, and other difficulties caused by software malfunctions or system failures.
Press the Power or Side button until the Slide to Power Off screen appears to reboot or soft reset your iPhone 8 Plus. To totally turn off your iPhone, drag the slider. After 30 seconds, press and
hold the Power/Side button until you see the Apple logo.
When a normal restart or soft reset isn't an option, such as when your iPhone is completely unresponsive, you can perform a forced restart as an alternative. Both reboots have the same good results while preserving your iPhone's data.
Press and swiftly release the Volume Up button to force your iPhone 8 Plus to restart. Then, swiftly push and
release the Volume Down button. Finally, hold down the Power/Side button
until you see the Apple logo.
Wait until your iPhone has fully started up before touching the screen to test whether it is already reacting quickly.