Why does your iPhone X won’t connect to Wi-Fi and how to fix it

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 436 times


Why does your iPhone X won’t connect to Wi-Fi and how to fix it

1 Answer


It's possible that your iPhone won't connect to Wi-Fi because of an issue with the wireless router or because something is wrong with your device. If you're using a network router-to-modem arrangement and the router isn't linked to the modem, your device won't be able to connect to Wi-Fi. When your wifi router is turned off, out of range from your iPhone, or worse, broken, the same thing happens. If your device is to blame, the underlying causes might include wrong or misconfigured Wi-Fi and network settings, defective updates, software issues, incorrect Wi-Fi passwords, and last but not least, hardware damage.


Rebooting is the easiest and most effective way to fix small problems with mobile devices. If this is the first time this has happened, a reboot of your iPhone X should resolve the issue. It not only gives your phone a rest, but it also aids in the removal of temporary files and small software problems from the phone's memory. To begin, follow these steps to restart (soft reset) your iPhone X:

  1. Press and hold the Side/Power and Volume buttons together until the slider displays.
  2. Drag the slider to totally turn off your iPhone X.
  3. Remove it for around 30 seconds.
  4. Press and hold the Side or Power button until the Apple logo shows after the timer has expired.

Wait until your iPhone X has fully booted up before attempting to connect to Wi-Fi and use the Internet on your device.

answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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