How to set Do Not Disturb for one specific contact only on your iPhone X

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 302 times


How to set Do Not Disturb for one specific contact only on your iPhone X

1 Answer


It's simple to set up Do Not Disturb for a single contact. If you don't want to cease receiving alerts from the remainder of your friends or contacts, this option is useful. This is how you do it:

  1. To establish Do Not Disturb for a chat thread, open the Messages app and touch on it.
  2. On the upper right, tap the blue circle with an 'i.'
  3. To enable the Do Not Disturb option for this contact, move the Hide Alerts slider to the right.
  4. Don't forget to tap Done.
Unless you turn off the Hide Alerts option, you should no longer get any notifications from this person. Alternatively, you may achieve the same thing by swiping left on the discussion thread in Messages and selecting Show Alerts.
answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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