How to fix an iPhone X that is overheating after installing a new firmware update

Asked 15-Oct-2018
Viewed 313 times


How to fix an iPhone X that is overheating after installing a new firmware update

1 Answer


After a big system shift, some third-party apps may go rogue and cause rapid power consumption. To figure out which apps are to blame, look at the battery consumption details on your iPhone X and check which of your apps are using the most battery and, as a result, causing the device to overheat. Here's how you get your hands on it:

  1. From the Home screen, go to Settings.
  2. The battery can be tapped.
  3. Wait for the Battery Usage information to appear.
  4. Then go to the Show Activity page to see how much power is being used in the foreground and background.
  5. Tap on Battery Usage to see a % breakdown of your usage.

You can also see how healthy your iPhone X's battery is right now. This is one of the features of the iOS 11.3 beta. It displays information about your battery's maximum capacity when compared to when your device was new, as well as an indicator of how long your battery will last.
If you see any software or service using significantly more power than usual, that app is most likely the reason and should be managed or deleted if necessary.