Regular restarts are beneficial to any device, including cellphones like your iPhone X. Some errors appear when a system has been running for a long period or when the battery has had a performance issue as a result of excessive use. You can simply restart the system to stop the issue code from persisting. The procedure essentially stops any potentially dangerous code from developing over time and clears the present state of both the hardware and software. In other words, you're giving the system time to recuperate and/or allow it to clean up and restart. In mobile computing, even a second of inactivity can have an impact on battery life. If you can't restart your iPhone X every day, we recommend doing it once every few days.
Keep your cool.
When your device is new or has recently been updated to a new operating system version, admit it: you can't seem to put it to sleep. You're effectively consuming the battery faster by repeatedly unlocking the screen and fiddling with it. If your day needs you to be continuously on your phone, you should take steps to conserve battery life, such as lowering the screen brightness, turning off sound alerts, avoiding using the device on vibrate, and setting app sync settings to manual, among other things. Keep in mind that everything you do consumes energy, thus the more you use your gadget, the more likely it is to leak energy, so don't expect the battery to last long.