How to Speed Up your slow Remote Desktop Connection?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 565 times


How to Speed Up your slow Remote Desktop Connection?

1 Answer


1) Reduce the resolution on both PCs.
Because top-of-the-line graphics aren't required, fewer data must be delivered, resulting in a faster connection. To do so, go to Options on your Remote Desktop Connection, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the Display tab, then to the colors (16 bit). It may also help to go to 'Display Settings' on your local computer and change the settings to match what you selected on the distant machine.
2) Alter your remote connection and connection experience.
Click the Experience tab on your Remote Desktop Connection and uncheck all of the primary options, then select the slowest connection speed that your work can handle (preferably the Modem (56 Kbps) option).
Not every activity will be able to operate at such a low speed, so play about with it. these on a case-by-case basis.

3) Alter the resources to which you're connected.
Turn the remote computer sound option to 'Do not play' on the 'Local Resources' page. Then deselect the items you won't need access to under the Local devices section. The Printers and Serial ports boxes will usually be unchecked, while the Disk drives option will remain checked. You won't need these unless you're trying to print remotely or have a peripheral device attached to the distant computer.
answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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