What is ‘A’ record and what is ‘MX record’?

Asked 6 years ago
Viewed 405 times


What is ‘A’ record and what is ‘MX record’?

1 Answer


In the Domain Name System, an MX-record (Mail eXchange-record) is a type of resource record (DNS). This is the mechanism that determines, among other things, to which IP address emails should be delivered.
The MX record specifies the hostname of the computer or computers that process emails for a domain, as well as a priority code. Emails are forwarded to the host's IP address, which is specified in the A-record.

Domain: copernica.com is an example of an MX record.
mail.copernica.com is a mail exchanger.
Priority number ten

The A-record (also known as the address-record) indicates which IP address is associated with a domain name. The domain name is 'translated' into an IP address via this record.

An A-record example:
copernica.com is the domain name for the website Copernica.com.
mail is the name of the host. is the IP address.
answered 3 years ago by Hitesh Vohra

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