What is the advantage of keeping wet wastes and dry wastes separate? And what will be the impact on our environment

Asked 20-Sep-2018
Viewed 802 times

1 Answer


Segregation of dry waste and wet waste helps in maintaining the healthy environment. Production of waste is inevitable and and the materials carried in this waste impacts human and environmental health. 
Inspite of eliminating the surrounding waste, waste management also reduces the intensity of the greenhouse gases like methane, carbon monoxide which gets emitted from the wastes accumulated.  
Segregation of wet and dry waste helps in such a way that dry waste can be recycled and wet waste can be composted. It also helps in reduction of waste that reaches landfills and occupies space. Air and water pollution rates are considerably reduced, and makes it easier to apply different processes – composting, recycling and incineration can be applied to different kinds of waste. 
What is the advantage of keeping wet wastes and dry wastes separate? And what will be the impact on our environment
It starts from our own house - firstly, have two garbage disposal bins at home, one for dry waste and one for wet waste. Items like aluminum foils, tetra packs, glass, paper, plastics, metals, etc. categories under the dry waste category, whereas kitchen waste such as stale food, fruits and vegetables falls under wet waste.
Make sure to throw out the wet waste from the house. Dry waste can be discarded twice or thrice a week. Ensure that plastic containers thrown in the dry waste bin are void of any food residue.
Introduction of two separate disposal drums on your complex ground, and explaination of importance of this segregation to the people can also help you to keep your environment free from diseases. The process of waste segregation should be thoroughly explained to family and neighbours in your apartment building. Create awareness amongst the staff in the apartment building to help make the process easier.
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