How do I uninstall/install Silverlight?

Asked 19-Sep-2018
Viewed 306 times

1 Answer


To uninstall follow these steps:

  1. Close all open web browsers.
  2. To begin, press the Start button.
  3. Control Panel should be selected.
  4. Choose from a variety of programs and features.
  5. Uninstall Microsoft Silverlight by finding it and clicking on it.
  6. When the removal procedure is finished, your computer will tell you.

To install follow these steps

  • You will be prompted to execute or save the installation file by your browser (Silverlight.exe). To begin the download, click Run. When the download is complete, the browser will offer you to run the installer once again. To begin the installation, click Run. To install Silverlight, you must have appropriate administrator rights.

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